Sometimes DIY isn't the best way to make more money. While saving money is a good thing, generating more profit —or even maintaining consistent income—from your rental property can be challenging when trying to do it all on your own.

Making "some" money from your Baltimore, MD rental properties is excellent! 

  • What if you could make more money? 
  • What if you could add more properties to your portfolio and build more long-term wealth?
  • What if making more money didn't require you to spend more time managing your property and tenants?

Learning the ropes by doing the work yourself is an excellent way to experience the benefits of managing a rental property, but you don't have to keep doing it on your own! Here's how Baltimore property management can boost your income, ensure consistent income, give you back your time, and make owning rental homes more enjoyable!

Collecting the Rent

If you're clinging to DIY landlording, making more money will be tough to accomplish—especially if property investing isn't your full-time source of income. Turning to the Professional Landlords at Renters Warehouse to get your life back while generating retirement income doesn't mean you're admitting defeat: it's a smart move! 

One of the biggest challenges landlords face is the most fundamental aspect of generating rental property income. When you first became a property owner, you probably never anticipated how difficult it could be to get some tenants to pay the rent! 

Spending valuable time chasing down late rental payments, sending reminders, then depositing checks, and processing payments isn't how you dreamed of enjoying your investment property wealth—but we have good news for you. There's no reason to continue devoting time to making sure tenants pay the rent when Baltimore property management can do it for you!

We Make It Easy!

The Professional Landlords at Renters Warehouse make it easy for tenants to pay the rent. We don't want to spend more time than necessary for collecting rental payments, either. Plus, when we are more efficient with rent collection and payment processing, property owners get paid faster! 

When you choose property management for your Baltimore, MD property, it's an upgrade to your rental collection process for you and your tenants. We manage the process with:

  • A secure online portal where tenants can pay the rent or schedule future payments
  • Timely, automatic reminders to reduce payment delays
  • Quick payment processing to pay property owners fast and on time—every month.

Property owners spend no time collecting the rent! Sit back and let us do the work for you. 

Providing Professional Maintenance

If you never want to answer a late-night maintenance call or deal with leaking pipes again, it's time to hire professional Baltimore property management! If managing your rental properties is not your day job, you shouldn't spend your "spare" time fixing things in a property where you don't live.

Expert property management provides all of the maintenance services you and your tenants need, including routine inspections and seasonal maintenance. You might be extremely handy when it comes to fixing things around the house, but upgrading your maintenance to a professional level can help you boost your income. 

Tenants Expect Excellent Maintenance!

Sometimes DIY can start as a money-saving project. However, after a few trips to the home improvement store and too many nights and weekends, you realize you've spent more time and money trying to repair something that a professional could do for you without the headache!

Professional property management can come to the rescue! We have a vetted team of contractors to handle any routine or emergency repair—quickly, efficiently, and accurately. Your property manager also handles (perhaps) the most important thing of all: all of those late-night or weekend emergencies!

You'll never have to wake up to a call from a tenant at 3 am and fix a broken pipe. As your Professional Landlord, we take the call—and handle the issue! Plus, there are many additional benefits to using professional maintenance through your property manager, including:

  • Lower-cost repairs: Your property manager has relationships with top-quality contractors and can negotiate lower rates than most landlords can do on their own. Even with emergency repairs, property owners won't overpay for contractor services when using a property manager. 
  • No scheduling headaches: A property manager schedules inspections, routine maintenance, and all repairs. They also monitor the work and manage estimates and invoices while staying within your budget. 
  • Repairs are done right the first time: Your tenants won't have to deal with a contractor in and out of the house at inconvenient times over days or weeks. Our contractors make the right repairs the first time. 
  • Happy tenants: Poor maintenance services are one of the biggest reasons why tenants don't renew a lease! Many Baltimore, MD renters prefer rental homes with professional property maintenance—because they know they'll receive the best service!

Your property manager responds promptly to maintenance requests, prioritizes repairs between emergencies and non-emergencies, and makes sure your properties stay in excellent condition. Even during situations that require social distancing, an expert property manager knows how to adjust maintains protocols and keep tenants, staff, and contractors safe while addressing maintenance issues. 

Finding and Keeping Tenants

How many tenants have you gone through before you found a good one? Without a screening process, choosing the right tenant can be a guessing game. It's a risk most property investors don't want to take with their assets or investment income. 

Professional Baltimore property management takes the guesswork out of finding the best tenants. We also reduce the risk of letting a stranger live in your rental property! An excellent screening process includes:

  • Employment and income verification 
  • Background check, including credit history
  • Prior rental history, including late payments and evictions
  • Criminal background check
  • Reference check.

When we dig deeper than the information a potential tenant puts on the application, we learn a lot about your next tenant! We consider everything we learn, match it to your approved tenant criteria, follow all fair housing regulations, and select the best tenant for your property. 

Here's a bonus note: finding better tenants is easier when you offer professional maintenance! Tenants who appreciate your excellent maintenance services are more likely to renew a lease and stay longer in your property. The right property manager delivers the best maintenance and tenants to help you generate more income and protect your assets. 

Experts in Any Situation

All of that probably sounds good when life is going well, and business can run as usual. What happens when external factors impact your investment property and income? When a financial or health crisis threatens to reduce your rental income because tenants can't pay the rent, a property manager can help you find success despite the circumstances. 

From helping you with a crisis plan to be prepared for times when things go wrong and helping property owners and tenants navigate temporary changes in operations, having a Rent Estate™ Advisor on board helps minimize the impact of a crisis on your income. 

Enjoy More From Your Properties with Renters Warehouse

Enjoy more time and more money when you choose professional Baltimore property management! Turn your DIY landlord work over to Renters Warehouse BW Metro, and let us turn your properties into more profits. We make it easy to get started with our $99/month fee that takes care of finding tenants, professional maintenance services, collecting the rent, and more! 

Let's get started with a Free Rental Property Analysis!

See Why We’re the Leader in Maryland Property Management

EdenDiane Taitano

We found a property on Trulia that we were interested in and were very impressed with Rose's service from the start. She was quick to respond and answered all of our questions. We are a military family, so we had to do everything unseen. We are happy in our home!

EdenDiane Taitano

Jan 19
Philip Britton

My girlfriend and I recently had the pleasure of working with Mary Dominick while renting a new home. She was extremely helpful and responsive throughout the application/rental process. 10/10

Philip Britton

Jan 24
Axel Santana

Johnna was amazing!  She gave us all the pros and cons of the property to make sure it was the right choice for us, provided a detailed tour, and was patient with our questions. She has followed up in each step after submitting the application to keep us informed.

Axel Santana

Dec 14
Kev P

Had the pleasure of working with Johnna. Exceeded my expectations with service and tenant placement. Ensured my mind was at ease with the process, especially since it’s my first time listing a property. I will definitely continue using RW in the future.

Kev P

Dec 09
Jazmyne Taylor

Rose was great to work with. Very response during the process, as well as after signing the rental agreement. She gave honest and open communication about the property which was really appreciated. I am still happy with the results and love my home.

Jazmyne Taylor

Jul 17
Andrew Chen

RW has been a great help navigating the COVID and post COVID regulatory landscape. Tenant placement is the most important part of having a good rental experience, and Johnna has been very responsive, helpful, and persistent in this regard. Thank you, RW!

Andrew Chen

Dec 06
Dave B. and  Joann B.

As landlords, we have been using Renters Warehouse for the past eight years. Easy to deal with, hassle-free. We love working with Rose Valerio. She's the rent estate advisor. Easy to work with, she gives good feedback and advice on finding the right tenants. 

Dave and Joann B.

Apr 14
Jon Titherington

I was renting my house out for the first time. Joyce with Renters Warehouse was fantastic! 
In less than a month, I had a signed lease for the amount of rent I wanted from very qualified tenants. Best of all, she got me a 2-year lease!

Jon Titherington

Mar 03

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