Baltimore Property Management, Renter Relationships, Smart Screening, Maryland Property Management

Renters Warehouse BW Metro | March 23, 2023

Should Your Rental Allow Pets? Maryland Property Management Tips

Published October 1, 2020

Updated March 23, 2023

As a Maryland rental property owner, it's up to you to determine if you should allow pets in your property. In many ways, they can be a benefit if a good renter is trying to find the right home for rent for them and their furry, scaley, or feathered friend.

At the same time, pets can damage your property, making it much more difficult (and costly) for you to maintain it. So how do you know when you should and should not welcome pets into your property?

As an experienced Maryland property management company, the experts here at Renters Warehouse want you to have the full perspective on what pets entail for property owners in the Baltimore area. That begins with understanding which types of animals do and do not qualify as pets for rental homes.

Keep reading to learn our best tips for pet-friendly rentals!

Please note: This article is not legal counsel. When in doubt, you should always reach out to your attorney! 

A pet addendum to the lease sets the rules for allowing cats or birds in rental properties.

Is It Worthwhile to Allow Pets?

Some property owners will find it improves renter relationships to offer this opportunity to bring pets into a rental home. If you do your homework and price out the potential damage and repairs, there are very few drawbacks to allowing pets and pet owners with the right pet-screening process.

As experienced property managers, we can tell you that you are certainly missing out on good renters (and potentially more profits) if you don't allow them! Pets are a staple of the modern American family, and allowing them into your properties after careful pet screenings helps you stand out in the Baltimore rental market and find more long-term renters.

If you're concerned about potential damage from pets in your rentals, you can reduce some of your risks by using routine inspections to investigate how your property is being cared for by your renter.

What If You Want to Allow Pets?

If you decide to allow pets as a Baltimore rental property owner, there are a few things to know.

  • Specify your requirements: Your lease needs to provide very specific rules and requirements for the pets you will and won't allow outside of service animals.

  • Outline your policies in your listing: The hunt for a renter starts with your property listing, so be sure to make it clear what you are allowing specifically. The more clarity you have right from the start, the better.

  • Create a pet addendum: A pet addendum to a lease is a component of your contract that outlines what types of pets are allowed on the property, as well as how many.

Remember: Maryland doesn't have any laws that limit you outside of ADA requirements. That means you can choose how many pets, the type of pets, and the responsibilities of a pet owner in managing those pets.

Fee Structures

Be sure to lay out any fees associated with having a pet. Fees or a pet security deposit can work as a type of security for you. Those funds can later be used to maintain or improve the property once a renter departs.

Fees should be outlined clearly in your pet addendum and lease agreement. Include details such as:

  • How much are the fees for a tenant's pet?

  • Are there additional fees for additional animals?

  • When are the fees due to be paid?

  • Are they a deposit the renter gets back?

If you're not how to set or enforce fees associated with pets, a property manager can help!

Pet Rent

Some Baltimore rental property owners charge pet rent. That means that, in addition to charging the renter's rental fee, there is an additional monthly fee for the pet. This may be beneficial in spaces where there is heavy competition for properties that allow pets: you can adjust your 'pet rent rate' based on the properties around you.

Pet screening helps property owners offer pet-friendly rentals for cats and dogs.

Service Animals Need to Be Handled Differently

There are no Maryland laws that say a property owner has to 'allow' a renter to have a pet. However, service animals are outside the realm of traditional pet ownership.

Think of them more as a tool for everyday living for those needing assistance. If a person has a licensed service animal, they rely on that animal for some component of their well-being. It becomes critical that you make wise decisions about these animals and your Baltimore rental properties unless you want to end up on the losing end of a lawsuit.

Remember that Fair Housing laws make it a requirement that you cannot discriminate against someone because they have a disability or handicap when renting a property. That often means you'll need to make exceptions where service animals are concerned.

What Is a Service Animal?

Service animals are highly trained dogs (and sometimes miniature horses). The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) provides the foundation for the laws and rules regarding service animals and rental properties.

Here are some key things you need to know as a Baltimore property owner:

  • Service animals are individually trained to do specific work or perform tasks.

  • Some types of service are harder to see. For example, dogs may provide support to those who are deaf, at risk of a seizure, dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder, or blind.

  • Additionally, it's worth noting that you're not allowed to inquire as to the nature of a disability when assessing in a service animal is legitimate or not.

If you are struggling with the limitations imposed by the ADA, a Maryland property management company can offer some guidance. The best experts can help you make the right decisions concerning disabled applicants to reduce risk and liability.

It's a Hard Decision to Make! Our Maryland Property Management Team Can Help

Working with our Rent Estate™ Advisors as your property management experts can help you decide if offering pet-friendly rentals is right for your goals. Let our team provide you with some guidance and pet-screening insights. We can also help you to create a rental agreement that properly protects your investment while potentially increasing your rental income and helping you find better quality renters.

However, a pet isn't the only part of the equation! You need to make sure you've found the right renter, too. Download your free copy of our Tenant Screening Checklist to get started!

Download the checklist

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